Now offering to quilt your quilt for you in a fraction of the time
with our long arm quilting machine. After making sure you meet the
requirements, give us a call and send in your quilt!
Before sending your quilt in, please do the following...
1. "Square up" your quilt. Trim the edges, so they are even and straight.
2. Trim all loose threads.
3. Make sure your backing is at least two inches larger than the top on ALL sides.
4. Press quilt. Quilts that are beautifully ironed, turn out more beautifully!
Price is Per Square Inch
**$35 minimum**
Other Charges
Borders: 15¢ per linear inch
Thread Fee: $7
Batting: Warm & Natural 90" wide $9.99 yd.($1.50 discount given to batting purchased at machine quilting time.)
The Quilt Barn
Mon-Sat 10-6 p.m. MTN
(208) 423 5092