
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I know, I know...

I know... I feel the guilt.  I went camping for Memorial Day weekend and didn't have enough blogs scheduled to keep the momentum going in our 30 day journey through market.  But, on the flip side, I did get some much needed rest and relaxation.  I kicked back and...

flew kites...

...explored caves and rock pits...

...hiked to a beautiful waterfall..

...and sewed 4 dresses. 
Yes, you read it right.  I sewed 4 dresses. 
What do you do when you are camping in the rain?
Fire up the generator and sew, what else?
So, while everyone made wise cracks about my lack of ability to kick back in a camping recliner for days on end, I tried to explain that sewing to me is like fishing is to Roland Martin.  There is simply nothing more theraputic and relaxing to me.  So, while it rained, and hailed, I sewed 4 adorable dresses for these 4 adorable girls.  Love the rainboots!   I was dying to try out this new Patty Young pattern "Naomi" that I found at Quilt Market.  I love her patterns because they are written so well and so fast to sew up.  Sewing with elastic thread was a first for me, and I have to say... it was easy, breezy, lemon squeezy!

Apology accepted?  I hope so, now back to 30 days of Market - I have some catching up to do!


  1. holy crap those are cute cute dresses! and super cute little girls.

  2. I love that you took a sewing machine camping! Super cute dresses.
