
Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's International Yarn Bombing Day!

 (photo from

This is a really expressive and wonderful idea. People all across the globe are knitting up yummy looking installation pieces that are placed throughout their communities. They start by coming up with a location and idea. Then they knit out the pieces and sew them on to statutes, around trees, street signs, posts, benches, buses and just about anything throughout local communities. It creates such a wonderful celebration of design, creativeness, and adds a touch of homespun love to the urban world around us. Check out these to links to see some really awesome yarn bombing: Yarn Bombing and International Yarn Bombing Day . You can also check out a lot of great examples on Flickr!

1 comment:

  1. Twin Falls and Gooding were Yarn Bombed this past weekend by two infamous sisters! You might recognize us in some of the International Yarn Bomb Day pics...
