
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Covered Note Book Tutorial

I was in Barnes and Noble a few days ago looking at notebooks. When I start a new project I like to have a fresh notebook. I then realized that I could make one and it could reflect me.

Here is the quick, no frills covered notebook tutorial.

What you will need:

a notebook (I picked mine up at Michael's on sale for .99)
hot glue and gun
fabric you want to cover your notebook (my fabric is leftover quilted fabric from a pillow I made.      You will see the pillow in our newest window blog post. The first photo gives you a bit of a peek)

You can quilt up your fabric with a scrap of batting and backing. The backing won't be seen so you can use anything. Straight lines, stipple, its up to you. You can also use your Frixon heat erase pen to draw a design on your fabric.

Lay your notebook on top of your fabric and trace around your open book with a pen (the picture doesn't show the book open but it needs to be). Add 3 inches to either side of your open book length.
Cut on your traced lines. A ruler and rotary cutter works great for this.

Start by hot gluing the extra 3 inches of length to the inside of you book cover, press and smooth fabric.
Continue gluing the fabric around your book paying attention to the outer edges of the book and the spine.
My book had a twill tape tie so when I got to where the tie was attached to the book I cut a slit in the fabric to accomodate it.

And there you have it. The edges are going to fray a bit but it was quick and I made myself a new notebook for .99

If you have any questions or notice anything I left out let me know. We love hearing from you.

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