
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sharing my Stash

Last week I switched my sewing room with my oldest daughter's room. I have been slowly moving my stuff back in. I am sorting through everything and getting rid of anything I don't need, want, or haven't seen in years. Half finished projects, cheap fabric from when I started quilting, books- it all went in to a donate box.

I have to say that it feels pretty good. This is my fabric shelf, considerably more organized. The second shelf down is my stash fabrics.
Scraps went in to a large bin (not in the picture) and if it was large enough to fold it went on the shelf. I used a piece of card stock to fold over so each piece was the same shape. You would think I like black by the height of its pile but I rarely sew with it.

The top shelf is all my home dec and clothing fabric. The bottom pink milk crate is to be quilted quilts. Other bits and bobs fill out the rest, kits, UFOs (I do have another area for the bigger UFOs), and about 25 Toms flags. My mom wants me to put together a quilt but I am not sure what I am doing yet.
Oh yah, and I have 2 bins of precuts and fat quarter (third shelf right).

I hope it stays this way for a little while.  I have been without a sewing space for a while so I am eager to get back to it.  Is your space organized? Tara

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  1. I the left of your iron, a miniature sewing machine...... i think we need a close up picture of it.....i have a fascination for those little creations.
    my fabric stash and quilting room is NOT quite as organized as it should be...
    love your blog..

  2. Piękna półka! Piękny składzik :)

  3. I will take a picture of the mini sewing machine and post a pic. It was my mom's.
