
Monday, April 21, 2014

Pickledish Quilt

I brought an old UFO (unfinished project) in to work to day to buy one strip of fabric. Thats how much I needed to finish the binding. You can see the unfinished binding flapping away on the right.

I used the free tutorial by Aneela Hoey called Pickledish. I made the archs years ago. They sat around because I didn't want to sew curve piecing. Curved piecing isn't that hard but I put off projects for less (see the above binding UFO).

I wanted to cross this one off my list so I decided to sew the archs on raw edge to a square of fabric. I

Here is a close up of the edges. It isn't perfect but I love it and it is done. Well, dont when I add that 20" of binding. Seriously, Tara

Have you checked out the sale on Books and Patterns on our new Website? Books and Patterns are 50% off! And with every order you are entered to win This Quilt


  1. wow looks awesome,well done.xx

  2. Lol!! That's a neat way to finish it, I wouldnt have thought of that. Sweet!

  3. way to muscle through to the finish with your brain! it's wonderful. now just the binding to go, right? =) what's the difference between pickledish and wedding ring? is there any? i like both.

    1. I am not too sure. They kinds look the same to me. Thanks for stopping by

  4. visiting from crazy mum quilts. great looking finished project
