
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hexie Baby Quilt

Need a quick and easy baby quilt? This might be what you are looking for.

I have a hexie tutorial here if you haven't done hexies before or want to check out the method I use.

You will need:

1.25 yards background (I used a natural linen)
Frixon pen (or other marking implement)
long ruler
70- 2.5" squares of fabric (you can use Moda Candy, jelly roll, or scraps)
1" hexagon paper piecing papers
1.25-1.5 yards backing ( I like a little extra backing when basting and lining up my top)

Step 1:
-sew up your hexagons using your preferred method
-iron the hexies and take out the papers

Step 2:
Mark your fabric
-draw your first line down the right side 5" in from the edge
-draw a second line 7" from the edge
-third line is drawn 9" from the edge
-the last line is down from the top 2.5" between the first and second line. This will help place the first hexie

Step 3:
-place the hexies and pin in place as shown. I pinned and sewed in 3 sections. For me, more than that and the pins would be a problem

Step 4:
-sew up and down each hexie row. It looks like a zig zag.
-I wasn't worried about the bottoms and tops not being sewn down as the quilting would tack it all down

-all done.
-quilt as desired. I am thinking about writing up a tutorial on the method I use to mark, baste, and quilt my quilts.

All of our Up Parasol bundles are on sale and the fat eighth bundle would be perfect to make this quilt.

fat eighth bundles $5 off
fat quarter bundles $10 off
half yard bundles $8.99 per yard

If you are looking for yardage convo me at our Etsy shop and I can set up a custom listing for you

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