Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lone Star Baby Quilt & Class

I finally made a lone star quilt. This quilt has been on my to do list for years but I was intimidated by the pattern.
The  solution? Make it much smaller and use a method for strip piecing.  It was much easier than I thought and I made it in one late night sewing session with the barn Chicks.

I drew my quilting lines on with a pink Frixion pen (the lines come off with the heat of my iron. Awesome!) and a yard stick. It was a cinch. If you haven't tried out a Frixion pen yet I highly recommend it. I am working on my applique blocks and I am using one for my needle turn pieces.

After making this quilt I thought, this would make a fun class.  It is May 4 and 11, 10-12. You can sign up at the Quilt Barn or on our website. I would classify this quilt for advanced beginners. It isn't difficult but you do need a prior knowledge of quilting.

I bought the backing a while ago and when I first saw it I got excited thinking it was snails wearing pink crowns. On closer inspection it turned out to be bicycles with flower baskets. Not as exciting as crowned snails but I bought it anyway.  It reminds me of the time I found fabric was vampire slugs on it. And yes I bought it. No idea what for.


  1. I love this! Is there a specific pattern you used? I wouldn't mind to make the full size quilt, but I am not sure where I should look to find this pattern. Could you guide me in the right direction, please? Again, LOVE it!!

  2. Is there a specific pattern you used? I would love to do this!
