Now for the other window display. Our other window has a large iron bed and it stays put. It gets a new theme for window change day too. We have the girl's room all pretty but the boys needed to be represented too.
Like our vintage girl pillow we made a matching boy pillow using our t-shirt printer and white muslin. Isn't he sweet. He was made using a free image from
The Graphics Fairy and tweaked in photoshop by Laura. He is backed with a blue reproduction feedsack fabric and stuffed with wool batting scraps.
Again, my inspiration was
these pillows
The pillow next to him is a robot applique pillow from the book Curiosities and Mischief. I hope we get more books in because there are more cute pillows I want to make from it.
The bright quilt is also made from Curiosities and Mischief. The car pillows are simply wrapped in a piece of remenant fabric from the line Peak Hour.
The blue alien fabric is my favorite and Amy did a fantastic job with the gears quilting.
The bed bunting I made with the same Peak Hour remenant. No template, I just cut roughed out triangles with a long ruler. Each car was a different size so a template would not have worked. Each triangle was ironed on to a light fusible, stitched with a bright red thread and then sewn on to large green pompom fringe.
And since our boy pillow was printed using our t-shirt printer we thought in fitting that we try him out as a t-shirt. If you have any questions about our t-shirt and fabric printing services convo us through our
etsy store and we can arrange a custom listing for you. Or you can call us at 1-208-423-5092